A Few of My Favorite Things

Since my last post was all about the things I miss since becoming pregnant, I thought I’d take a more cheerful route and post about my favorite parts of being pregnant. What do/did you love the most about your pregnancy?

1. Kicking: Yes it’s totally weird and reminds me of the scene in Spaceballs where the alien pops out of the guys stomach and dances on the counter. I mean, there’s something very science fictiony about something living inside of me. But those kicks are also super cool. They remind me that my baby is in there, growing and, well, alive and kicking. It’s a beautiful bonding experience.

2. The food!: While I’ve always been a food lover, being pregnant has opened me up to new foods I love now but used to hate. Eggs anyone?

3. Learning: I love reading all of the magazines and books and downloading the apps to my phone. There is so much to learn and now that its about my own little bundle of joy, I can’t soak it up fast enough.

4. Maternity Clothes: Seriously. Who knew? They’re now stylish and chic and some of my maternity clothes are cuter than my regular clothes. And they’re so comfortable!!! Plus it’s an excuse to shop for a whole new wardrobe!

5. Pregnancy Pillows: Greatest. Invention. Ever. It took me awhile to break down and buy one because they’re on the expensive side. Now that I know how incredibly comfortable they truly are, I would pay double if I had to!

6. An Excuse to Rest: Most of us need about ten hours more in a day to accomplish everything. Being pregnant makes it okay to say “that can wait” and to just relax more.

7. Presents!: Okay so they’re not technically for me but we’ve already received adorable outfits and hooded towels and hats and socks oh my! Sometimes I just go in and stare at them!