Maternity Mopiness

There are days it’s nearly impossible to get out of bed and it isn’t because of the normal back pain/extra weight/need to roll instead of sitting up. It’s because of an overwhelming sense of sadness and hopelessness; like there is a massive black cloud following me around, raining on my parade. Pregnancy is supposed to be a happy, beautiful time in our lives but it isn’t always rainbows and butterflies.

Most of the time, I love being pregnant. To be fair, I don’t love the gas, burping, constant urination, imbalance, etc. But I do love watching my belly grow, feeling (and seeing!) my baby kick/dance/do the cha-cha, reading about BB’s growth and development. I absolutely love photographing my growing belly to always remember this time with this little life I am literally giving my flesh and blood too. Those are the good days.

But what about the days where it feels like everything I do is wrong? Or more likely, that I simply can’t do anything without help anymore. It’s like being a child and needing help getting things down from the high shelves. As someone who’s always been a very independent woman, constantly needing assistance isn’t easy to accept. Sometimes though, it isn’t so obvious what’s got me feeling so blue. Sure, it’s easy to just blame hormones but that doesn’t help me snap out if it!

Continuing working as long as you can so you have the most time possible with your child after the birth is difficult enough. Exhaustion, aches and pains, frequent urination…the list of challenges goes on and on. Add to that crying hysterically over seemingly nothing and literally not being able to bring yourself to get dressed in the morning. Life as a pregnant woman isn’t a highway, it’s a roller coaster and the protective harness is missing.

Not all women who suffer from the “mopies” would be considered to be affected by depression. These feelings are often fleeting or pass after a day or two. When they’re not constant, we just have to find a way to deal…that doesn’t include alcohol, a hot bath or rigorous exercise. Anyone want to teach me how to crochet???