Sweet Dreams

Sleep is now forever changed for me as existing mommies already know. All of the know-it-all books suggest sleeping now, while you still can, before the baby comes. But who can sleep??? Is this a sick joke that all pregnancy authors are in on? Between waking up from back pain, leg cramps, having to pee…again, hot flashes or the need to devour an entire pizza, there isn’t a whole lot of sleeping going on. Most of the time, despite my exhaustion, I’m highly motivated to clean out and organize the closet or just clean in general. Which leaves me more tired. It’s a vicious cycle, ladies and gentlemen.

When I do finally lay down, it’s no small task. There are pillows for under my head, behind my back and a body pillow to wrap around. CC and I may as well be in separate beds with all the pillows in between us.

Then, there’s the dreams. For a population that wakes up so often during the night, what is it with pregnant women and dreams??? Suddenly, I remember dreams like they were real events and they feel like they’re real events. I’ve dreamt of missing the school bus and my mom taking me on a train, past lovers and JJ, as if he were still alive. It was so real I could smell the gel in his hair. It’s amazing preggos aren’t all schizophrenic!

I suppose the saying I’ll sleep when I’m dead was coined by a mother

2 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams

  1. Lol, I have been thinking the same thing when everyone is saying, enjoy all the sleeping while you can! OK… But I have been waking up minimum 10 times every night for I dont know how many months and I am constantly tired. And being able to only sleep on one side is not at all comfortable. Then there is the night time peeing, cramps and not feeling my entire leg or arm. So enjoy what you say?…

    Oh, yeah and the dreaming.. It is incredible how many boring dreams I have been having the past weeks. Like dreaming of people that I have not met for 5 years, and have no interest in even remembering. But there they are hunting me.. lol..

    I just wish for one night of relaxing with no dreams at all.. yes please…

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